Unfortunately the COVID-19 pandemic continues to work its way through our country.
Like all other organizations, Freemasonry in general and the Ad Orientem Lodge in
particular have been dramatically affected. The Grand Lodge of New York, under
and abundance of caution, and in line with recommendations from the Department of
Health, has limited the number of members allowed to meet and the types of
meetings that can occur.
We in the Ad Orientem have decided that with our very specific,
very different, and very special type of lodge would not be able to effectively
practice Freemasonry under the current guidelines.
So, with a heavy heart I am announcing that the Ad Orientem Lodge U.D. will be
going dark, and no longer meeting until its regularly scheduled communication, or
when the pandemic ends, which ever comes first.
We will continue to expand our social media presence and will be taking candidates
for lodge membership during this time. If you are interested in masonry and would
like to know more. Contact the lodge secretary at ad.orientem.sec@gmail.com
I look forward to seeing you when this is all over. I hope you and your family
are safe and healthy.
Yr Obt Svt,
The Worshipful Master